Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stove Top Espresso Maker Reviews

The Stove Top Espresso Maker was so incredible, it has 219 Reviews at Amazon.com

Here is one Review about the Stove Top Espresso Maker where 243 out of 245 people found the following review helpful.

243 of 245 people found the Stove Top Espresso Maker review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Follow these tips for a unique coffee.
By T. Speidel (Canada)

Every family in Italy owns one of these machines. Here are a few tips:
1. In Italy this is NOT called an espresso machine, but a Moka machine. An espresso is what you would drink in bar made with a steam or high pressure machine with the crema on top.
2. Smaller size Moka machine tend to make better coffee.
3. Never wash the Moka with detergents, just rinse it under tap water
4. You've gotta use it often for a good coffee.
5. If you haven't use it in a while, make a weak coffee ("lungo") and discard
6. DO NOT put the MOka in the dishwasher.
7. Use drinking water. Avoid tap water especially if very chlorinated
8. Never compress the coffee.
9. For a strong coffee fill the filter with ground coffee and make a small cupola that slightly protrudes beyond the rim. Do not press down.
10. For best coffee, heat at very low heat. It's ok if it takes 10min.
11. As soon as coffee reaches the top, remove from heat
12. Do not let the coffee boil
13. Use good quality coffee, not too strong, medium grind (try Illy for a good commercial brand)
14. Sip while still hot, enjoy!

Last time I checked, Amazon still had some Stove Top Espresso Maker products in stock. However, this is a rapid seller so you may want to click here to check for availability and any special Amazon coupon discounts so you can get one at the lowest possible price.

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